Monique R. Catoggio MBA '03

Monique R. Catoggio MBA '03



Organization: Illumined Life Leadership

Monique Catoggio is committed to bringing the fullness of life back to leaders. Founder and creator of the Leader Rising Mastermind™, Fire and Flow Circle™, and R.I.S.E. System™, Monique strives to raise the vibration of leaders in their work and daily life.

Monique helps leaders wake up fully to their lives through holistic, ancient and innovative modalities. She believes that it is only through understanding one’s own nature that true potential can be met and whole life success achieved. Through Monique’s programs leaders come into knowing themselves more deeply while raising productivity, profitability and overall happiness and well-being. In short, Monique is a visionary that helps others see. She believes that when leaders are in alignment with their own unique nature, they become masterful leaders both in the workplace and at home. Her work is tailored for the individual leaders that want to go deeper, getting a life and leadership transformation that creates highlyconscious teams that thrive. Monique’s mission is to create conscious leaders, workplaces and families.

Her work has appeared in various media outlets over her career. She was highlighted in Brickell Magazine as a Featured Entrepreneur, as well as in Mujer Ejecutiva Magazine. She was most recently chosen as the 2016 Ford Mujer Legendaria. She is a regular contributor to Forbes online, and is a guest blogger for Your Better Life. She is a professional speaker and can be found regularly at corporate and professional events and conferences.

Monique’s Story

Monique thinks back to a time when she experienced toxic leaders. Leaders have a huge responsibility to themselves and others, and when the atmosphere is toxic, it can be easy to become disengaged, and go off on the wrong direction or path. The type of misalignment described, led her to working two careers at once, not being present enough at home, not being the ideal leader in the workplace, and having so little energy that she once fell asleep at the wheel and crashed. This was the wake-up call that changed everything. Since turning around her own personal leadership and well-being, Monique is now dedicated to coaching other leaders to awaken to their purpose, passion and priorities, allowing them to achieve their ideal vision for personal leadership in their careers, in the community, and at home with their families. Monique helps executives illuminate and leverage their unique strengths, personality and passion to drive their careers and lives forward, holistically with high energy, clarity, power and peace.

Background, Education and Experience
● Nearly 20 years working in Public/Alumni/Corporate/Community Relations, with a focus in education and
healthcare; two years as Owner/President of Illumined Life Leadership.
● EMBA from FIU and a Bachelor of Science in Communication/PR from FSU.
● Since 2010, and still today, the Executive Coach for the EMBA Program at FIU.
● Since 2013, and still today, the Leadership and Negotiations faculty for the Goldman Sachs 10K Small
Businesses program at Miami Dade College and Babson College in Massachusetts.
● Certifications: Professional Coach (CPC), Accredited Certified Coach (ACC), Gallup Strengths Coach,
Wellness Inventory Coach, Leadership Circle Profile 360 Coach, Energy Leadership Master Practitioner,
Chinese Face Reading and 9 Star Ki Practitioner, Feng Shui Consultant and Reiki Consultant.
● Married 21 years to Billy "C", founder and co-host of ScubaNation TV, and mother to Jacob (19) and Nia
(13). Dancer by trade (since age of 3), lover of the performing arts, Yogi, avid reader and blogger.